USB Remote Control MINI with Garage!

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USB Remote Control MINI with Garage!

Postby wearlaz » Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:29 pm

I saw this today (ordered a couple) and thought I'd pass on the info: ... mo=QSearch

From the Hammacher Schlemmer catalog (is a Mini with checkered roof)

"The USB Remote Controlled Race Car.
WAS 49.95 NOW 19.95

This stress-relieving sports car is driven using a software "steering wheel" on your computer screen instead of the typical remote. The car is capable of motion in six directions (forward and backward movement while turning) for precise steering amid a cluttered desktop or office obstacle course, and you can "toot" its horn to warn unyielding pedestrians. The racer can travel up to three feet from its USB-connected garage transmitter; after a five-minute tour, a 10-minute pit stop in the garage (which doubles as its charging station) refuels its batteries. An LED on the garage indicates when the car is fully charged. The garage door opens with a touch of a button, or via a command from the remote software. "

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Postby Louie B. » Thu Feb 19, 2009 4:02 am

For those who don't want to wait for shipping Fry's Electronics has these. Don't remember the exact price but I believe it was similar.
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Postby It Works » Thu Feb 19, 2009 12:39 pm

We have one...
'06 MCS JCW, Aero, Bilstein PSS9's SB/S
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Postby dragonflyer » Fri Feb 20, 2009 4:24 pm

I bought one of those from Fry's for $10 last year but it's not USB. Still cool though
Still driving a Mini. No matter the cost.
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