Going through the posts, it looks like these are the confirmed people and the day they are leaving Phoenix:
Sunday Phil (driverphil)
Monday Marcus (marcus)
Tuesday Patty (itworks)
Kyle (gperz)
Warren & Barbara (chilimini)
Wednesday Dan (danjmcs)
Carey (carey934)
Mark & Teresa (azminiman & scuzzlepook)
Dee (deemotored)
Sean (minidad)
Ken & wife (notmini)
Scott (silvernewt)
Cres Carson (crezwel)
Trace (yellowminiaz) - flying in??
Anyone else??
For any of those lurkers that are going and haven't spoken up yet, please let one of the members above know that you are going or post your response in this thread. That way we do not leave anybody behind
Last edited by scuzzlepook on Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:12 pm, edited 11 times in total.
Jet Black 2009 BMW 135i
first love: IB/W 2004 MCS; Second love AB/AB 2007 JCW MCS
I am leaving Weds...but if its like last year I left later then the group....and I go up thru resv- 4 corners- cortez-telluride- gunnison...layover and then up to copper......thurs AM
minidad wrote:I am leaving Weds...but if its like last year I left later then the group....and I go up thru resv- 4 corners- cortez-telluride- gunnison...layover and then up to copper......thurs AM
OK, I've readjusted our route so we're going through Pagosa Springs and staying the night with everyone else on the way up, and then heading back through Utah for a faster, one day drive back home through Utah. Does this route make sense? Ideas? Suggestions?
(Location A and D are the starting and ending points, are the same location, but you can't see location A because D is sitting directly on top of it, just to clear any potential confusion)
seeing my note above a few posts you can see my route.... I came back reversing my steps and it was 9hr 45min...
Just curious what it takes going thru flag/utah....
Dee I beleive you have a separtation anxiety...I'm thinking to avoid hurting your feelings further..I will have to follow you (or lead ) Weds at least to cortez...then I peal off to go thru Telluride/ see Black Canyon at Sunrise