November 10th Tucson/Sonoita/Parker Canyon

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Postby JPMINITUCSON » Sun Nov 11, 2007 1:53 am


Thanks to everyone who went on the run. We had a perfect day with the exception of our choice for lunch: turkey on whole wheat. Kathy and Kim cooked ribs and corn on the cob on the picnic grill. Boy, they smelled good!

Mike's truck made it all the way to the lake. Well, most of it did. There are a few bits somewhere out on Hwy 83. I suggested that Mike install a super magnet under his rear bumper to pick up all the....well, he was not amused. By the way, Mike's a bad influence. Now Patty wants a truck, in red. Hello E-Bay.

The Sierra Vista chapter was well represented as Ed was waiting for us in Sonoita. Also, great to see the Dolaks. Seems forever since we saw them last. They looked great and brought a friend, too.

Michael McFarland and Jill Gomery, regulars at the MADMEN ice cream nights cruised in from Oro Valley.

Kim has put another 40 pounds of vinyl graphics and bling on ALICE. Is that Mini getting slower or is it just my imagination?

Barney road shotgun as Debbie has the driving duties while he licks his wounds. He seemed in an especially good mood. Must be the meds. The Lake gave Barney a chance to polish his duck and geese calls as he had a wild one nearly eating out of his hand.

Dave and Marsha where there with AKA IAN. Dave showed us his grasshopper dance in the tall grass. He was able to scare up some beautiful red and blue winged beauties.

Thanks again to Dan for leading the RAT PACK through the awful I-10 construction mess.

We stopped on the way home in Sonoita at the Classic Car Show at the fairgrounds and also listened to some great music at the Cowboy Heritage Days fest. Some others were going to stop for the Tasting at the Sonoita Winery.

The temperature was perfect, 68 degrees. All in all, a great day!

See you all at the Christmas Party!

'81 Aussie Moke Californian
'61 Morris Mini-Minor
'71 Cooper 'S' MKIII
'76 Mini 1000
'13 MINI Cooper
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Postby danjmcs » Sun Nov 11, 2007 5:38 pm

Thanks for planning the run! Had a good time, and managed not to get hit by any falling Mini Pickup truck parts ;)

Hmm, two black trucks, which one is the Mini? ;)

Thankfully the traffic West bound coming home on I-10 was no problem, but sure was still a mess Eastbound when we went back through downtown. Other than that, a great time. See you all in December at the Holiday Party!
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