See ya at the car show this weekend!
carjoy wrote:4 months to go and I'm still going!!! I'm planning on heading up on Wednesday.
danjmcs wrote:Get us a good seat at the blackjack tables!
carjoy wrote:4 months to go and I'm still going!!! I'm planning on heading up on Wednesday.
danjmcs wrote:AMVIV registrations are now open for the March 27-30, 2008 event.
Go to www.AMVIV.com/reg.htm to sign up.
When you click the submit button, you will be taken to the checkout page.
If you want to pay with PayPal, add all your items to your cart and pay. If you want to pay by check, please print your registration page, then put all your items in the PayPal cart and print the PayPal cart page. Please include these printouts with your check and mail them to:
Sin City MINI Club
AMVIV V Registration
3195 Shadow Bluff Ave
Las Vegas, NV 89120
Any purchases that do not include either a car registration or vendor registration will be cancelled and refunded.
After your payment is received, you will receive an email confirmation. If you have not gotten an email confirmation from Andrew Ross aka Agro, YOU ARE NOT REGISTERED.
Vendor registrations are not yet open. We will be contacting prior AMVIV vendors and other companies that have contacted us during the year regarding becoming a vendor. The vendor registrations will open some time after the New Year.
Andrew Ross aka Agro
President, Sin City MINI Club www.SinCityMINIClub.com
Organizer, A MINI Vacation In Vegas www.AMVIV.com
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