Just so you guys know a thing or two about miniworks

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Just so you guys know a thing or two about miniworks

Postby pepegrande008 » Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:15 pm

HEres an email you might find interesting. Sorry read form top to bottom

Ohh btw, it wasnt $300 for the brakes and rotors, it came out to almost $800 of you remember correctly. I noticed that you dont even advertise in the states anymore? Outstayed your welcome? Another thing, i paid way less to have the flywheel and clutch installed and they did a great job. I am very happy that i didnt let you take apart my engine. What about the koni thing huh? After talking to people @ minimania, alta, and outmotoring; i found out that if you had marked and measured then camber before taking apart the ass end, you could have reinstalled according to speck and i would have never had an uneven tire wear problem. Also you lied to me and said that the calipers never rusting, not true at all because withing 2 months the things look just like the others. Also the clip you "forgot" on the brakes caused uneven glazing on the caliper and now i have to replace them within the year. You really fucked me over Victor and you jerked my chain for a month while i was out of the country. And the missing gasket on the exhaust was causing a substantial leak. Oh and i forgot that when you installed my brakes, you ripped and detached the ebrake boot from its little plastic frame which is another thing i have to pay for.


From: sales@miniworks.com
To: johnhall2131@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: SPAM-MED: Hey Victor, this is John Hall
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 10:52:35 -0700

You are acting like an asshole.


If you spend $200 to adjust the brakes, you are an idiot, there is no possible adjustment on the front brakes
and by the way $299 for rotors, pads and labor is a real good deal.

You are just a cry baby, all of THIS because we could not do the clutch and flywheel for YOU at a bargain PRICE,
and you had to take it somewhere else and PAY MORE.

You are right on one thing, I do not need you as a customer, nor do I need customers like you.


----- Original Message -----
From: john hall
To: Mini Works
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2008 12:25 AM
Subject: RE: SPAM-MED: Hey Victor, this is John Hall

Just so you know, I just spent $200 on adjusting my breaks and another $500 in labor on the rear end not including the links ($250) and a gasket in the exhaust was missing. I hope that you dont do any more work on anyones car. I have told all of the local mini clubs (Tucson and Phoenix) that you work is $h*t and that you will rip them off. Thanks Victor for your help.


> From: sales@miniworks.com
> To: johnhall2131@hotmail.com
> Subject: Re: SPAM-MED: Hey Victor, this is John Hall
> Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 11:31:16 -0700
> Hello John,
> I will work on the prices,
> We can do a set of rotors and pads with the labor for $299
> victor
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "john hall" <johnhall2131@hotmail.com>
> To: <sales@miniworks.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 11:06 AM
> Subject: Re: SPAM-MED: Hey Victor, this is John Hall
> > Victor,
> >
> > Yes the stage 1 organic disc is what i wanted. Also i forgot to ask you
> > about maybe a set of rotors and i know that i need new pads, so what can
> > we do there?
> > John
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>From: "Mini Works" <sales@miniworks.com>
> >>To: "john hall" <johnhall2131@hotmail.com>
> >>Subject: Re: SPAM-MED: Hey Victor, this is John Hall
> >>Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 09:06:15 -0700
> >>
> >>Hello John,
> >>
> >>Yes we can save you a few dollars,
> >>we can purchase these same parts directly from the manufacturers,
> >>the flywheel is made by Fidanza, and the clutch is a Spec clutch,
> >>all I need to know is what Clutch you want, they have stage 1, stage 2 or
> >>stage 3,
> >>for a daily model, the most popular is the stage 1.
> >>let me know and I will get you some pricing
> >>thanks
> >>
> >>Victor
> >>Mini Works
> >>480.922.6464
> >>
> >>----- Original Message ----- From: "john hall" <johnhall2131@hotmail.com>
> >>To: <sales@miniworks.com>
> >>Sent: Friday, May 11, 2007 10:29 AM
> >>Subject: SPAM-MED: Hey Victor, this is John Hall
> >>
> >>
> >>>Victor,
> >>> So i called minimania today and talked to them about setting up a deal
> >>> to get me a new clutch and flywheel. I talked them down to a 10%
> >>> discount on both items so it came out to $900 as apposed to $1000. but
> >>> they said they wouldnt ship it to you and that it would have to be
> >>> directly shipped to me. So, my question is, can you beat these prices
> >>> since i am going to have it ordered and installed through you? the part
> >>> numbers are NMG2000 (flywheel) and NMG1600 (Clutch Kit). How it looks
> >>> right now, i will be dropping off the car to you the morning of July 7
> >>> or the night of July 6. I will not be back in the country till August 2.
> >>> So that gives you a little over three weeks that you can complete all
> >>> the work needed. I really want to keep this job cheap as possible due to
> >>> lack of money, so tell me what you can do. sorry about the low-balling
> >>> but i didnt plan on taking this trip this summer but it is an biology
> >>> research project in the Galapagos Islands, so it is a once in a life
> >>> time experience. Thanks for your help .
> >>>John
> >>>
> >>>_________________________________________________________________
> >>>Make every IM count. Download Messenger and join the i'm Initiative now.
> >>>It's free. http://im.live.com/messenger/im/home/?s ... AGHM_MAY07
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > _________________________________________________________________
> > Catch suspicious messages before you open them-with Windows Live Hotmail.
> > http://imagine-windowslive.com/hotmail/ ... ction_0507
> >
> >

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Postby pepegrande008 » Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:16 pm

this was last night that i email him after 6 months. Ohh and he had my car for a month this summer while i was in South America so that he could install clutch/flywheel. When i got back, it took my a week and a half to get ahold of him to get my car. When i finally found him, he hadnt even touched my car or ordered the parts.
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Postby jax archillies » Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:39 pm

holy crap!

i thought id be dealign with mini mania...shoudl i not?
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Postby pepegrande008 » Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:42 pm

no minimania is a great company MINIWORKS in Scottsdale is a mechanic/vendor who is a piece of crap.
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Postby jax archillies » Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:53 pm


ok got it!

i hate it when they do that! in that case we coudl severliy damage his business, if it hasnt thru the BBB, word of mouth, etc.
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Postby danjmcs » Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:55 pm

I know a lot of us have had experiences, both good and bad, with various vendors, and I know Victor has had issues with others in the past, but I also know of others that have gone to him and have been very satisfied, myself included.

You'll have a hard time finding any vendor that hasn't had an issue with one customer or another, and it certainly isn't my job to defend Victor or any other vendor, but it always seems like we hear more often about the bad experiences than the good. Thats just the way it goes I guess.
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Postby UKSUV » Thu Feb 14, 2008 9:43 pm

Dan your ONE good experience to our 50 bad experiences is a bad ratio... :lol:

Postby minisaz » Thu Feb 14, 2008 9:48 pm

do we really want to open up this "miniworks" can of worm again??
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Postby Istara » Thu Feb 14, 2008 10:24 pm

mmmm.. worms...
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Postby kalvin » Fri Feb 15, 2008 12:07 am

UKSUV wrote:Dan your ONE good experience to our 50 bad experiences is a bad ratio... :lol:

uhh...make that 2... i bought some stuff from him for cheap...
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Postby pepegrande008 » Fri Feb 15, 2008 12:20 am

WEll its not just one incedent, this was like three different time (Suspension, brakes, exhaust) these are all things that are easily fixed if caught early. But they werent and thats partially my fault. But the point of this is how unprofessional Victor is and how bad his work is. If he wants to be a vendor then he should do it, but if he continues working on cars like this, someone is going to get hurt.
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Postby UKSUV » Fri Feb 15, 2008 6:46 pm

minisaz wrote:do we really want to open up this "miniworks" can of worm again??

Maybe....ITS FUN!~ :lol:

Postby YELLOWMINIAZ » Fri Feb 15, 2008 10:13 pm

I just cant believe the way he spoke to you as a professional.
I would be real upset with that!
and the shotty work too.
and the time... he had it for how many weeks? and then you had to wait how much longer.?
Most of us wouldn't of been able to do that without renting a car
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