so, what have you seen at your workplace that qualifies as Workplace laziness, or incompetency.
just today i saw, and im not kidding, 6 people trying to change a emergency crash bar on the main office tryign to change the lock. they got halfway though and are now sitting in my office "jabberjawing" abtou how the spiders and froggies down in the drainage ditch scare them and they dont want to work down there.
also seen students knocking on the locked door, and waitign more than 30 minutes for someone not to open it, instead of walking the remaining 10 feet to a door thats actually open. EDIT: that number has now grown to 10, to include 2 supervisors. but the work being done is the same. 1 person is working. but everyone is crowding the one door.
so...what are your stories?
(now they are talking about adding guitar hero to the Dells for 20 bucks)