So we are on our way home from S.V. on Saturday.. we had just got on to 10 for a few miles.. when BAMMMMMM kA band blairs on the radar detector.. I did the break check and noticed I was doing just over 80. ( 75 zone ) As soon as our 6 car convoy passes him,, I watch back.. and sure enough, here he comes...S>O>B you have to be kidding me

I keep watching he passes first couple minis,, then the next,,, crap, he is still comming,, and sure enough, pulles in right behind me. So over i went. I think before he actually hit the lights.. He came up and politly asks for lic and reg.. ( I will say at this point he as very nice, and yes, a MINI fan )
He said I clocked you at 83 but thats not the reason I pulled you over

I pulled you over for your window tint looks too dark..

WTF are you kidding me..

can you please roll up your window 6" please. ( I do know that they are not legal ). He checks and gives me a warning and 30days to correct it..
I have never heard of a DPS person stopping someone for tint. I have heard of city police doing it, but usually along with something else. I have had the same tint on every vehicle I have owned since I have been in AZ, and this was the first time i have ever been stopped for it. He was correct though.
Concidering he could have given me ticket for 8 over and that I didnt have my temp tags on the Clubman.. He was really cool about things. All is good.