Anyone with philly MINI connections?

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Anyone with philly MINI connections?

Postby Istara » Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:03 am

So, my brother is finally trying to get himself a mini, and at the same time is taking a job in VA. He's selling his car and bike and house, and wants to pick up an auto mini over near where he will be. He found this one:

.. but he won't be in the area for another week. It's a stretch, but he's trying to find someone who can check it out for him so that he and the seller both feel comfortable with him putting some money down and picking it up in a week.

Anyone know anyone over in the area willing to take a bit of time to check out what looks like a nice little stock mini? :) I know it's a stretch.. but I told him I'd do my best to help him try and find one.. and he seems to like this one. Autos are hard to find :?
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Postby duality » Fri Jun 13, 2008 7:10 pm

man, more than I paid for mine with 18K more miles. Maybe he wants to look for a better deal?

Postby Istara » Fri Jun 13, 2008 7:48 pm

Price was negotiable.. and it does have that 100k warranty on it.. not that I know much about how useful those are..

Though if anyone knows of a better deal, I'd certainly point it out to him..

I think he found someone through NAM to check this one out.
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