Best Route to NM

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Best Route to NM

Postby minisaz » Tue Jun 17, 2008 5:15 pm

I am driving to Neb at the end of the month. I will be going through Show Low. My question is, should i go North to Holbrook and take I-40 to Albuquerque or should I take Hwy 60 through Springerville and then North to Hwy 36/117? Anyone driven? Which is the better way to go? ... 289917&z=8
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Re: Best Route to NM

Postby danjmcs » Tue Jun 17, 2008 6:36 pm

minisaz wrote:I am driving to Neb at the end of the month. I will be going through Show Low. My question is, should i go North to Holbrook and take I-40 to Albuquerque or should I take Hwy 60 through Springerville and then North to Hwy 36/117? Anyone driven? Which is the better way to go? ... 289917&z=8

If your wanting to make time, going up to Holbrook and 40 is probably the best, since its multi-lane and a real freeway. Also more traffic if you were to have a problem on the trip.

But the route through Springerville is definitely a more scenic and "Mini" route... hehe... I'd personally go that way. The difference in time is really not that much unless you hit some traffic on the single lane road.
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Postby driverphil » Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:12 pm

If you take 60 all the way to I-25 you go through Pie Town (a major YUM!) and the Very Large Array (massive layout of radio telescopes).

I-40 may be faster but 60 is a heck of a lot more scenic.
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Re: Best Route to NM

Postby 66Cooper » Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:14 pm

minisaz wrote:I am driving to Neb at the end of the month. I will be going through Show Low. My question is, should i go North to Holbrook and take I-40 to Albuquerque or should I take Hwy 60 through Springerville and then North to Hwy 36/117? Anyone driven? Which is the better way to go? ... 289917&z=8

I would say the best route to Nebraska, taking you through New Mexico would be to do Show Low to Springerville (be sure to stop at Casa Malpais), south on 191 to 75 then 70 down (stop at mine over looks along the way for great photos ops) then to Lordsburg, up 90 through Silver City (lots of shops and mines), across 152 to Caballo (check out Elephant Butte).

Now I have to ask you before I give you the rest of the route...Do you want to stop at the Bovine N Swine in Hobbs? (I recommend it)

Also do you really want to go through Alb.? I know a way that will bypass Alb and take you though Las Vegas (NM) the strip is rockin'! Ok, really the main street has lots of rocks in it.
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Postby minisaz » Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:38 pm

i do need to get up there in two day so i unfortunately cant really site see that much, but some good roads are always welcome!
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Postby danjmcs » Fri Jun 27, 2008 12:29 am

Just got a call and update from Tim... he just went through Trinidad, CO ... iwloc=addr

Flying through the middle of no where, out from a side road comes another black Mini with rally stripes heading the other way and goes flying by him. Small world for those black Minis I guess!
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Postby minisaz » Wed Jul 02, 2008 1:45 am

Well i am back. Over 2,000 miles in two days of back and forth driving. Drove there in 1 day, 18 hours straight. i averaged almost 36 mpg! Best ever, Must be that expensive gas. Mini worked perfectly. Saw probably a dozen minis on the highway along the way. and a clubman in my tiny little town of Sidney, neb population 4,000
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