
I just recently got elected as the school Band Photographer/Historian/Secretary. *Applause* (Thank you, thank you, you're too kind)

Anyway, at our last meeting, we were discussing Fundraiser ideas for Band. Someone suggested a Car Show, so when I think Car Show, I think of the DMC. So I said, "I'll ask the MINI Cooper club that we're in if they would be up for coming out to Desert Ridge High School to do a Car Show!"

I know not all of us are 'rolling around in money' at the time, but it is a one time fundraiser for the school Band to go on field trips and purchase T-Shirts...

Desert Ridge High School
10045 East Madero
Mesa, AZ 85209
Map Link: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&g ... iwloc=addr
I have found a GENERAL week area for the date. Right now, it looks like sometime after my Fall Break (10/11/08 - 10/19/08). We still need planning, but it also looks like it's gonna be on a Saturday. Don't worry, I'll make sure it doesnt' clash with the Pavillions Car Show...

RSVP List as of Wenesday Oct. 8 9:19PM
Tate (Luckiee's Son)
Mark (azminiman)
Teresa (scuzzlepook)
Dan (danjmcs)
William (wearlaz)
Dee (deemotored)*
Reannon & Jeff (AZMINIS)
Don and Jeanette (DogWashMini)*
AJ (Pipsqueak)*
Jose (OPC)
*= Waiting for confirmed date