When I got to school the next day, my band teacher told us that one of our students, Michael Tracy, was not here because his sister had died in a car accident. Michael is in 3 of my classes, and one of my good friends. All three of my classes are making cards for him. This Saturday, (the day of the Coops and Bikes run) the DRJHS Band is hosting a car wash at the Valero Gas Station on the SW corner of Guadalupe and Ellsworth. They are accepting all donations to help the Tracy's with medical and funeral costs. I know that we can't make it to this on account of the Fun Run, but I am going to be taking ANY donations large or small to help out the Tracy family. So, if any of you would like to chip in, that'd be great.
Thank you all, you guys are great.

Here is all of the information about the proceeds: http://www.phoenixrealestateguy.com/kel ... ation/1491