am i crazy, or is this ridiculous??

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am i crazy, or is this ridiculous??

Postby MINImama » Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:28 pm

I had Pepper in for basic service this weekend at MNS. While there, I asked for a quote for the chrome air intake scoop ($159) and checkered mirror caps ($130 both), totaling $289, which I thought was reasonable, and negotiable.

Then they hit me with the labor and install costs, which was more than the parts themselves. All total, the price quoted was $560!!!!! Now today I call to double-check the figures, and I'm told that labor for the install would only be $185.... still high, but negotiable.

Am I crazy, or is this ridiculous? How difficult can it be to snap on some mirror covers? I understand that the scoop takes a little time, but geez...!!!
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Postby Louie B. » Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:43 pm

don't have them install it. I'd be more than happy to help you install them sometime.
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Postby dragonflyer » Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:49 pm

Just buy them and bring them on Saturday and I will put them on. They are pretty easy to do. The scoop takes maybe 5 minute and the mirror caps take about 15.

In fact if you want you can buy them from me instead. They would be the same price as the dealer but it will save you a trip down there. I have to pick up some other parts tomorrow anyway.

BTW I will know better this week but we will be offering Checkered and UJ Mirror caps as well. They will also be available in custom colors.
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Postby MINImama » Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:52 pm

Thanks, guys. I'll hold off on purchasing the scoop and caps for a few weeks - the budget can only take one goodie at a time, and boot stripes are on deck for this weekend.
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Postby scuzzlepook » Wed Jan 28, 2009 1:33 am

There are always people within the club that are ready & willing to help install stuff, so dont ever be afraid to inquire or ask! :D

BTW, I know what you mean about the part costing more than the install! When I bot my center arm rest, I got it at cost thru the dealership so I thought that I'd just have them install it - that is, until they told me how much! I ended up doing it myself - took about 10 minutes and saved about $230!
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Postby perrin » Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:27 am

I have you both...... two o-rings cost of 80 cents.... labor $750..... Love MNS..
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Postby notmini » Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:15 pm

I drive a Mini but I am not mini

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