CUSTOMS 2 CLASSICS CAR SHOW + Mountain Run!!! APRIL 10, 2010

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CUSTOMS 2 CLASSICS CAR SHOW + Mountain Run!!! APRIL 10, 2010

Postby nismonkey » Wed Mar 10, 2010 2:36 pm

***This is an open invite to you MINI guys! :D I have this posted on several other automotive online forums, so there's already a buzz about the show, but I'd definitely want to see a good representation of MINI's at this event!!!***

CUSTOMS 2 CLASSICS CAR SHOW + Mountain Run! Prescott Valley, AZ to Jerome, AZ

This is the new ELEMENT added to this event. My friends at EMBRY RIDDLE AERONAUTICAL UNIVERSITY in Prescott, AZ are holding their 2nd annual car show the same day as our run. It is the CUSTOMS 2 CLASSICS 2010 car show, and they have been kind enough to invite all those that have planned on going on the run to attend the show as participants or spectators.

There will be plenty of food, family fun & entertainment, & a good # of cars to drool over. The folks at ERAU are expecting a turnout of 100+ participants for the show.

Our original plans for the MOUNTAIN RUN will essentially remain the same. The only thing that will change is the rally point & departure time!!!



This is the general timeline for the day of the show:

8:00am - Gates Open


10:30am-2:30pm - judging begins. Main attractions, 50/50 Raffle, lunch, Etc

3:00pm - Winners announced

3:30pm - raffle prize winners announced

Here's the run down for the MOUNTAIN RUN. I have this nice set of twisties right in my back yard here in Prescott Valley, Arizona. It is Arizona highway 89-A that takes you from the edge of Prescott Valley on into the history laden town of Jerome, Arizona. It's a huge tourist destination, with lots of sights to see, shops, & restaurants that are all well worth the visit.

Here is a link for more information on the town of Jerome:

I've driven this stretch of road several times since I've lived here in Arizona and it's tons of fun. The views through the mountains & valleys are spectacular, so bring a friend to sit in the passengers seat to take lots of pics or video...if their stomach can bear it! Those who tag along on this trip will definitely be hanging on to the "oh $#1*" handle!!! The road up to Jerome can be both relaxing & exhilirating depending on what type of driving mood you are in that day.

Here's a short Youtube video of a Ferrari & Porsche playing cat & mouse on 89-A on the way up to Jerome...

So this is how it will play out...

-Saturday from approx 10am-3pm will be spent at ERAU's car show.

-approx 3pm we will start packing up & prepping for the MOUNTAIN RUN.

-once we get to the top of the mountain, we can spend the afternoon hours taking in the sights, smells, & sounds of the old town of Jerome.

-then the rest of the afternoon can be spent either driving to our respective homes or you guys could stick around so we can show you the town of Prescott & the infamous WHISKEY ROW...but that's a whole other discussion!!! :yesnod

Let me know what you guys think!!!

Small road leading from Jerome to the public parking lot...

Plenty of parking!!!


The parking lot sits right by an old shut down copper mine...

Last edited by nismonkey on Thu Mar 11, 2010 5:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Location: Prescott Valley, Arizona

Postby danjmcs » Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:20 pm

Looks like a great day of activities!

Thats definitely one of the runs we do a few times a year, so most in the DMC are familiar with the roads around Prescott, Jerome, etc!

Thanks for the invite!!
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Postby nismonkey » Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:03 am

danjmcs wrote:Looks like a great day of activities!

Thats definitely one of the runs we do a few times a year, so most in the DMC are familiar with the roads around Prescott, Jerome, etc!

Thanks for the invite!!

It will be a fun filled day for sure! Spread the word...we'd love to see as many DMC folks out for this event!!!
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Postby nismonkey » Sat Mar 13, 2010 3:25 am

Scheduled to make an appearance at the event:

The Arizona Lamborghini Club
The Scottsdale Exotic Car Club

This event is posted on the following forums...

& SOME...
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Postby nismonkey » Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:09 pm

15 days till the event.

You guys here at Dynamic should have gotten an email from the Embry Riddle Aeronautical University folks with an official invite. We hope to see you guys there!!!
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Postby nismonkey » Sat Apr 03, 2010 1:57 pm

1 week till the event!

Any of you guys/ gals planning on attending this one?
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Postby dragonflyer » Sat Apr 03, 2010 5:25 pm

Looks like this show was canceled. not sure why.
Still driving a Mini. No matter the cost.
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Postby danjmcs » Sat Apr 03, 2010 5:55 pm

dragonflyer wrote:Looks like this show was canceled. not sure why.

Looks like that where?
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Postby nismonkey » Mon Apr 05, 2010 2:41 am

dragonflyer wrote:Looks like this show was canceled. not sure why.

The show is STILL ON...I got that same notification from Facebook. There were some issues with one of the people organizing the event. He stepped down from the responsibilities of handling the show, and out of frustration sent out false notifications out of spite. I said the show is still on!!!
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Postby nismonkey » Wed Apr 07, 2010 1:34 am

A rep from :shock: MEGUIAR's :shock: will be at the event doing demo's on several products all day!

Clean & shine up your vehicles! This ones going to be a good one!!!

It's gonna be a cool sunny day in PRESCOTT that day! 69 degrees...damn near perfect show weather!
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Postby nismonkey » Fri Apr 09, 2010 12:30 am

mrg1981 from got a smoking deal for grub & drinks for the mountain run after the show!!! Check it out!!!

OK. I just spoke with the owner of Mile High Grill and Inn in Jerome, AZ. I pulled some strings to hook you guys all up. They are offering 10% off your total ticket (food and drinks!)!!

Just mention that you are from the CUSTOMS 2 CLASSICS CAR SHOW + Mountain Run and they will autmatically discount your ticket by 10%!

The Mile High Grill offers an excellent variety of homemade food from hand-pressed Angus burgers to southwestern salads topped with chicken or salmon. Check out their menu.

Parking in Jerome can be tricky at times. I would recommend that you park right where the OP posted and just walk down Main St and Mile High Grill is on your right hand side in a 2-story red building.

Detailed directions are here:
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