We are usually in the first and second row in the parking lot on your right, as you come in the main entrance off Indian Bend.
Temps are cold, Dress accordingly!!, some will be some rolling in around 4:00 or so, and many will stay well beyond dark, having dinner at one of the area restaurants. Bring a blanket, bring a chair as they could be put to use.
We try to save as many spaces as possible, but if you do show up later, we will definitely try to find some room for you!
Map: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=213244623307807954514.0004b423b77c6f3419458&msa=0&ll=33.540013,-111.885463&spn=0.003099,0.003836
For more history on the show, please see the October 2007 thread by clicking below:
When: Jan 21st - 4pm(ish) till late
Scottsdale Pavilions
9100 E Indian Bend Rd
Scottsdale, Arizona